Cosmetic Imaging Suite

How to use the Cosmetic Imaging module 

Cosmetic Imaging is an optional module to DentalEye. The purpose is to be able to edit images in a way that reflects the treatment that dentists can offer a patient. This is a quick guide to some of the functions that could be used with DentalEye 3.1 CI.  

In the following we will use one patient where all our examples are stored, in reality the images would be stored on each patient. 

The part of the toolbar with the Cosmetic Imaging Tools.  

See a presentation of the Cosmetic Imaging module. 

See the Cosmetic Imaging toolbar. 

Mark the area to work with 

The first thing to do is normally to mark the area you are going to work with. For this reason you should use the marker tool. This is not as easy as you think since the teeth contains a number of different colors and shades and it is hard for the computer to know what is teeth. This is the Marker button  

The marker tool has three ways to mark, you may combine the tools.  

1.      Paint marker — Adds (left mouse-button) or deletes (right mouse-button) to the marked area with a brush-like tool. 

2.      Magic marking — Automatically finds out which area is the teeth.  

3.      Free-hand — This feature lets you draw a line at the borders of what you want to mark and then the entire content inside the border will be marked. A good help is to buy a pen mouse, it works like a pencil and is far more accurate than an ordinary mouse. 


Choose an image from the taskpane on the side of the screen and drag it out to the image card. 

A good idea is to drag out two copies, so that you can compare them afterwards. 

As we are going to mark the teeth we will start with the Magic Marker tool. 

Mark an area that covers the teeth and parts of the lips by holding down the left mouse-button and drag the mouse diagonally over the area. 

As we release the mouse-button parts of the marked area changes to a blue shade, which means that this area is marked. The result differs depending on the image. 

The next step is to mark the areas that has not yet been marked. You could either use the paint marker or the Magic Marker on smaller areas to add to the already marked area. In the example below the Paint Marker has been used. If you click on the downarrow in the Marker tool Window you can change the size and the shape of the marker. If you mark to much press down the right mouse-button and use the eraser. 

When the area to be whitened is marked click on the Color Manipulation Tool on the Toolbar.   

The Whitener is a slide bar you drag to a position where the result is good. 

Click on the down arrow in the Color Manipulator Window and you will have the full control over the colours with a variety of slide bars. Remove or add colors, change saturation, brightness and contrast. 

When you have reached the result you want you can save the Image Card on the patient, this Image Card will contain the original Image and the manipulated Image.  

How to fill a gap (diasthema) 

A patient has a gap between the front teeth and you want to show how nice he can look if you fill that gap. In the example we will widen the two front teeth towards the center of the gap. 

Start with the Marking Tool, use the Free-Hand and mark at least a part of one of the front teeth. The important part is the one towards the gap.  

Click on Copy and the marked area will show a box which is actually a copy of the marked area in a layer over the original image. This copy could be manipulated.  

Tick off the “Stretch from center” box at the bottom of the Clipart Window. Now you will be able to drag the tooth towards the center of the gap. Move the cursor to the marked box and you will se the cursor change to arrows, hold down the left mouse-button and drag towards the middle of the gap. 

Click on Apply in the Clipart Window to lock the image. (Apply means that the copied layer will be combined with the image and thereby a solid part of the image.) To fill the diasthema completely repeat the procedure with the other front tooth. And this is the result. If you get sharp edges use the diffuser to smoothen it up. 


The next tool is the Clone Tool, the idea is to pick up color and structure in one place and paint it on another part of the image. The tool contains of a “pick-up circle” which moves parallell with the “paint haircross”. It is vital for the result to choose a “pick-up” area that has the right colour and structure, normally it is best to use a small “pick-up circle” close to the “paint area” . 

This Tool can be used to remove an ugly filling, to make a tooth longer, to fix the tooth-gum border either by cloning the gum or the tooth. 

It is hard to see on this picture but the procedure is 

1.      Click on the Clone Tool.  

2.      Place the cursor close to the area you are going to clone to and press the right mouse-button and drag just a little so that a circle is shown, this is the pick-up area, release the mouse-button. 

3.      Place the cross over where you want to paint and press down the left mouse-button and draw the color on the place where it is wanted.  

4.      At last use the diffuser to smooth out edges and sharp color changes.  

Copy a tooth or an area 

If a tooth is defect or not existing you could use the Copy function to copy a good looking tooth — flip (mirror image) or rotate and apply it on the defect tooth. 

1.      Start with marking the good tooth. 

2.      Copy. 

3.      Drag the Copy to its new position. 

4.      Flip it or rotate it with the buttons in the Clipart Window. 

5.      Point the cursor on the tooth and change its size or angle. 

6.      Apply the Copy to combine it with the image. 

7.      Use the diffuser to smoothen edges. 

In the example the mans right half is copied to the left half. 

Mark the area to copy with the Free-Hand marker. 

Click on Copy and drag the copy towards the new area. 

Click on Flip and the Copy is mirror-imaged. Adjust the Transparency slidebar so that you can see the original image through the copy. This makes it easier to align the copy with the original image. 

Align the copy with the original. Hold down the right mouse-button to rotate the copy. 

Use the diffuser if needed.  

Click Apply and the image is ready. 

How to replace a smile with a smile from a smile gallery 

You can build up your own or purchase a gallery of perfect smiles, there is no gallery included in the software package. DentalEye has the functions to import the perfect smile in a persons mouth. The imported smile could be changed in several ways to fit in regarding to size, length, width, angle, color etc. 

Mark the area within the lips with the free-hand marker. 

Click the  Clipart button.  

The Taskpane will open the Clipart directory and you can choose the Smile to import. 

There could be different archives for Full Smiles and other images, the directories are made by the user at his/her own wish. Find the library with the Full-Smiles. 

You can click on a smile in the gallery and it will be displayed in the marked area in the Image. Choose among the smiles until you find a good one. Change the width, length, size, angle by draging the smile in different directions. When you are satisfied click on Apply.  

Remark: This is something that demands training and a gallery of smiles. It is not a tool that you can use right away. 

Present the result 

To show the patient the result there are at least three ways: 

1 Adjust the size of the images on the Image Card and show the images as they are arranged. 

2 Double click on one of the images will show it in Single image view, click the TAB button to go to the next image on the image card, TAB again and go to the next. 

3 Right click on the image choose Copy, do the same thing with the other image and then click on the Presentation view button and the images will be presented side by side on a black background.