Create Custom Templates
Create and edit templates
A template is created by the arrangement of one, or several image frames, on an image card. Check teeth contents for the tooth groups that are to be included in the template. If they do not suit your needs go to Show/Edit anatomic description and make necessary changes.
(If you have special settings for this particular template, you can reset the tooth group list, once the template is ready. This will not affect the newly created template.)
Create new templates
1 Open the Template manager window with a click on the Templates tab.

An empty work space named New Template is opened as default. If you prefer to use an existing template to create a new template click on the template in the Taskpane, in order to keep the used original template click on the Save as icon and give the the template a new name.
2 Add frames
In the Tools menu Add image frame to template or use <Ctrl>+<M> for the number of frames needed in the template. The frames will appear on top of each other at the top left corner.

3 Once the series of frames is completed, place the frames (drag and drop) in the way you want the resulting image card to look. Size can be adjusted one frame at a time, by dragging any corner. To display a grid that will help to place frames evenly click on the grid icon In many cases it is simpler to take the images in the size they come and place them in the desired arrangement against the upper left corner. Resizing can then be done collectively by moving the edges of the image card towards the frames.
4 Now change the properties to your needs, mark the frame you are to change.

Sequence number X tells DentalEye that the X:d captured image shall be placed in this frame and get the properties for this frame.
Frame number is just DentalEye:s way to number this frame.
Proportions designates the relation between widht and height for the image. An image that is displayed in landscape (horizontal) mode normally has 0,7 as the proportion.
Rotation – Set the Rotation for correct presentation of the images on the screen. If you are unsure of the required rotation, leave the field as is and perform a test run as described under the topic Test run. Intraoral sensor images are normally displayed right (rotation 0°) when the cord is aiming down.
Anatomic description – chose the right anatomic description from the list made up in Show/edit anatomic description.
5 Save the new template by clicking the icon Save as or if the template already has a name Save .
The window Save template appears suggesting a name for the template. Choose an instructive name containing relevant information, i.e. ”BW 4 horizontal” (Bitewing series of 4 images using a sensor horizontally.) The template list is updated with the new template.
Edit templates
1 Select by clicking on a template in the Template list
2 To add a new frame, click the Add image frame to template button or <Ctrl>+<M>.
3 To make changes within a frame, click the frame and make desired changes
4 Click the Save or the Save as button (Look at step 5 above).